haocheng 積分 0


IngramChen 積分 0

採用 kotlin 要評估什麼啦!就 Google 列為官方語言了你不換也得換了。

有評估到 haskell, rust...etc 再來說吧

chchwy 積分 0


IngramChen 積分 0

自己刪掉吧, 你貼的已經是 spam 了.


akshay 積分 0

Introduction on SAP Fiori Initially, SAP customers used to complain about the static and old-fashioned look and feel of the screen. Also, SAP was only accessible via its GUI for most of the transactions. SAP decided to launch a set of applications that included the most widely used transactions like purchase order approval, sales order creation and many more.

Watch this SAP Fiori Tutorial For Beginners Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgoYw3AWbHA

This collection of apps is named as Fiori, which is based on the HTML5 framework. The main advantage of this is, it can be accessed across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Introduction on SAP Fiori What Is SAP Fiori? SAP Fiori is a new type of user experience (UX) for SAP applications and software. Fiori provides a set of applications that can be used in regular business functions like financial apps, calculation apps, work approvals, and various self-service apps. Fiori Apps were developed by SAP, based on the user interface, UI5. As mentioned, SAP Fiori is a new user experience which contains a collection of applications that are used in regular functions. SAP Fiori provides various role-based applications like HR, manufacturing, finance, etc. Below image depicts the concepts contained in the home page of SAP Fiori. What Is SAP Fiori With respect to the designing aspects of SAP Fiori, there are five design principles that make SAP Fiori simple and easily accessible. The image that is represented below depicts these five different design principles of SAP Fiori. principles of SAP Fiori. Role based: In this case, SAP transactions have been converted into a beautiful user-interactive application. This shows only the relevant information of a user. Responsiveness: This provides an unmatched application response and query execution time by combining SAP Fiori with the power of SAP HANA. Simple: To meet the user’s requirements, SAP has designed a simple scenario called 1-1-3 scenario which means: 1 user, Introduction on SAP Fiori Initially, SAP customers used to complain about the static and old-fashioned look and feel of the screen. Also, SAP was only accessible via its GUI for most of the transactions. SAP decided to launch a set of applications that included the most widely used transactions like purchase order approval, sales order creation and many more. Watch this SAP Fiori Tutorial For Beginners Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgoYw3AWbHA This collection of apps is named as Fiori, which is based on the HTML5 framework. The main advantage of this is, it can be accessed across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

What Is SAP Fiori? SAP Fiori is a new type of user experience (UX) for SAP applications and software. Fiori provides a set of applications that can be used in regular business functions like financial apps, calculation apps, work approvals, and various self-service apps. Fiori Apps were developed by SAP, based on the user interface, UI5. As mentioned, SAP Fiori is a new user experience which contains a collection of applications that are used in regular functions. SAP Fiori provides various role-based applications like HR, manufacturing, finance, etc. Below image depicts the concepts contained in the home page of SAP Fiori.

For more information about the SAP Fiori Visit: https://intellipaat.com/blog/tutorial/s4-hana-logistics-tutorial/introduction-to-sap-fiori/

With respect to the designing aspects of SAP Fiori, there are five design principles that make SAP Fiori simple and easily accessible. The image that is represented below depicts these five different design principles of SAP Fiori.

• Role based: In this case, SAP transactions have been converted into a beautiful user-interactive application. This shows only the relevant information of a user. • Responsiveness: This provides an unmatched application response and query execution time by combining SAP Fiori with the power of SAP HANA. • Simple: To meet the user’s requirements, SAP has designed a simple scenario called 1-1-3 scenario which means: 1 user, 1 use case, and 3 screens. • Seamless

IngramChen 積分 3 編輯於

我看了第一節,就看到它提到的兩個 edge case,下面兩個 compile 不會過:

//// case 1
val name: String? = "Marton"
val surname: String = "Braun"
val fullName: String?
  get() = name?.let { "$it $surname" } 

fun main() { 
  if (fullName != null) { 

//// case 2
var list = mutableListOf<Int>()

fun main() {
   list += 1


IngramChen 積分 0

原來 Contract 是給 compiler 用的啊

kaif 積分 0

mm, 本來說是SWE結果過去不是xd 為了避免違約金還做了幾年才回來。

kaif 積分 1


想到一個方向是有類似 andiord/ios 這樣受信任的廠商提供的IoT平台,只是這樣就沒辦法像現在可以自己 hacking wifi router 魔改了。

kaif 積分 0


koji 積分 0

2019.2 以後好像 gradle 專案預設都委給 gradle task 跑,終於好多了....以前為了解決 annotation/thrift generated code 跟 lombok 時一下找不到 class 一下 duplicate class 快搞死我了。

haocheng 積分 0

以前在 Y 也有看到一些 perl 的程式,不知道還在不在...

kaif 積分 0

!! 我以為現在只有booking.com在用xd

haocheng 積分 0

如果有用 Fira Code 的話,升級到 2019.2.1 就可以解決字型壞掉的問題 (字型變細了...)