koji 積分 0

我錯了, IDE 確實會變得怪怪的...oops.

koji 積分 1

還好,我的專案只有一個 api 爛掉所以照 api deprecation 建議的換寫法就過了。

koji 積分 0


koji 積分 0

最近看 timeline 比較常看到 ktor..

koji 積分 0

這麼被關注的 JSR 有過嗎XD? 實在無法想像沒過之後的規劃....

koji 積分 0

看了才知道 micro-fusion,來看看..

koji 積分 1

印象還有 cubie server 那時我們追 memory leak 時看到一堆物件在 finalize queue。

koji 積分 0

full gc 可能不太精確,不一定是 full gc phase。

koji 積分 2 編輯於

應該是你說的第二點,非 trivial finalize() 的 instance 會被丟到 finalize queue。 關於trivial finalize()1

koji 積分 0

很怒,但還沒看熟 jigsaw 所以有些點沒看很懂 0rz

koji 積分 1 編輯於

it's very much not! @dart_lang is alive and well with a large team working on it and a large amount of use inside of Google.

koji 積分 1

Some platforms may only need manual memory management, and get an even smaller Kotlin/Native runtime in return.


koji 積分 0

java-library plugin IDE 已經看得懂嗎

koji 積分 2

讓我想到 cockroachdb 就看到 hackernews 上的 comment1

One of the big differences is that Spanner only uses SQL for read-only operations, with a custom API for writes. We use standard SQL for both reads and writes, which means we also work with major ORMs like GORM, SQLAlchemy, and Hibernate (docs should be live today or tomorrow). Spanner's custom write API will make it difficult to work with existing frameworks, or to convert an existing application to Spanner. Cloud Spanner only works on Google Cloud and is a black-box managed service. CockroachDB is open source and can be run on-prem or in any cloud on commodity hardware. (We don't offer CockroachDB as a service yet, but may in the future)

koji 積分 0

好久沒碰 cassandra,這篇文章的 bucket 讓我回憶都出現了....

koji 積分 0

literal 的 hint 真的不錯哈哈,有時真的會需要..

koji 積分 0


koji 積分 0

看來很推 kotlin 了嗎...最近常看到有關 kotlin 推..