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plurk 上有新的回覆了

『還算突然 XDDD 公司沒有收,裁一半。我沒有在裁員名單裡面。有選擇,選擇下船 qq』

qrtt1 積分 0 編輯於

當作是一種『黑色幽默』來看也蠻有趣的 :P

qrtt1 積分 1

要圖多一點的說明,再配合互動試操作。比較能真的學到一點 xd

qrtt1 積分 0

看起來裡面的 docker 有一些預裝的 image

chingyichan_tw@iddsdkvip:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY                              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
gcr.io/google_appengine/java-compat     latest              59871dfc07d1        12 days ago         392.2 MB
gcr.io/google_appengine/python-compat   latest              29b174c301ff        12 days ago         288.5 MB
gcr.io/google_appengine/base            latest              2bea68ab3677        12 days ago         220.5 MB
gcr.io/google_appengine/golang          latest              e9945aaeadbe        5 weeks ago         522.4 MB
gcr.io/google_appengine/nodejs          latest              49d1865ecb8d        7 weeks ago         324.1 MB

java 竟然不是最胖的xd

qrtt1 積分 0

蠻多只是一般的工具而已啊 Orz...

qrtt1 積分 0 編輯於

掛 IRC 才注意到這個新聞的 :P

01:38 < andrewrk> did everybody see FLIF in the news today?
01:38 < andrewrk> pretty intriguing
01:39 <+wm4> we laughed at the source code
01:39 <+wm4> (let's say they're not really following good practices)
01:45 < jamrial> durandal_1707: see https://github.com/jamrial/FFmpeg/commit/40fc73db28cd9a0fd4aff4284b23a3f5350490f5
01:45 < jamrial> what i'm doing here is making the function access most linesize, width and height arguments directly from stack
01:46 < jamrial> that way the function can work with only 7 gprs
01:46 < jamrial> you can do the same with the blend stuff you sent a few minutes ago. but again you need to make the pointers the first couple arguments
                 for those
01:48 < andrewrk> wm4, if the DSP is sound it should be fine
01:48 < andrewrk> bad source code can be fixed
01:48 < andrewrk> easy
01:49 <+wm4> well, at this quality level, I wouldn't be surprised if it's not actually lossless
01:49 <+wm4> but yeah, we'll see
01:50 < andrewrk> what's actually the problem?
01:50 < andrewrk> I'm looking at it right now
01:50 < andrewrk> it looks pretty straightforwar
01:50 < andrewrk> *straightforward
01:51 < fflogger> [newticket] cgbug: Ticket #4903 (FLV regression) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4903
01:51 < andrewrk> I guess more c++ than this crowd (including me) would care for
01:55 < atomnuker> goddamnit
01:55 < atomnuker> max_samples isn't respected for multiple input filters
01:56 < atomnuker> any other way to force filtering only N amount of samples per frame?
01:56 <+wm4> andrewrk: no, it's awful beyond that
01:57 <+wm4> but yeah, maybe the algorithms are fine (apart from the fact that it uses patented algorithms, despite claiming otherwise)
01:58 <@durandal_1707> atomnuker: see what sidechaincompress does, also amerge IIRC

02:06 <@Daemon404> [18:51] < andrewrk> I guess more c++ than this crowd (including me) would care for <-- mixing c/c++ strings, using a vector of strings
                   for stuff, pollutes the global namespace with generic names
02:06 <@Daemon404> mixes_snake_case_andCamel_case
02:06 <@Daemon404> (within teh same func names)
02:06 <@Daemon404> in general it's all over the place
02:06 < andrewrk> ehh that stuff isn't really a big deal
02:06 <@Daemon404> there's one part where it just copypastes the same code 3-4 times in a row because "it seems to fix it"
02:07 < andrewrk> especially mixing case convention. who cares? the CPU doesn't
02:07 < andrewrk> ok that last thing is suspicious.
02:07 <@Daemon404> look at its commit log.
02:07 <@Daemon404> also i certainly care that it has an actually usable library interface
02:07 <@Daemon404> and has actual checks for failure
02:08 -!- lglinskih_ [~lglinskih@verda.kir.elagin.me] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
02:09 <@Daemon404> VLAs initialized with user provided sizes
02:09 <@Daemon404> asserts used instead of ifs
02:09 <@Daemon404> (im just looking over random files atm)
02:09 < andrewrk> I care about that too, but the guy admits it's work in progress
02:10 <@Daemon404> also the format is not patent free
02:10 <@Daemon404> as the page claims
02:10 < andrewrk> yes that is a big problem
qrtt1 積分 1

以我的應用情況來說是可以接受的,因為另外引用 s3 sdk 是為了要縮小路徑範圍。因為我們是每 1 個月,分 1 個路徑存 log,而實際計算的時候,可能只會用到近 1 週、近幾天、近幾個小時。

若不這樣子做,那 spark 大部分的計算在跳過那堆沒用到的資料。而 spark 的計算只是接受這堆選過個別檔案的路徑,而非 1 個巨大的 log 目錄。所以在我的應用情況它們不需要同時存在。

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