Kotlin’s Android Roadmap | Kotlin Blog (blog.jetbrains.com)
haocheng 積分 0

Bottomline: lambdas in Java 8 on Android are not at all free, and one should probably think twice every time and choose between good code and performance. In Kotlin, you don’t have to make such compromises, and you can use lambdas as much as you need to express the ideas in your code.

蠻好奇在 Android 用 Lambda 語法對效能會有多大影響...

koji 積分 0

還沒特別看過 java8 on android 跟 retro 產出的差異,但已經在用 retrolambda 的話應該不會太在意?

haocheng 積分 0

我沒用過 retrolambda ,哈哈,不過之前聽 Google 工程師的 podcast 有提到用 lambda 語法會影響效能,只是他們也沒說到底會慢多少...