Java 世紀侵權案甲骨文勝訴,向全球追討授權費台灣也遭殃
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sunec.jar 是含/src/share/classes/sun/security/ec/
下面的source,都是 java file 且有 "Classpath" exception. 他提的應該是native 部分,而且看起來不是public exposed api?(不是很確定這邊 public API 的定義)。
另外也好奇那麽 下載頁面1 的 under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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Further to that we also run an analysis using tools we have developed to ensure that every single file that is compiled (both static and dynamically generated during the build) has the correct GPLv2 with CPE license header. This way we can also guarantee that using Zulu you will not be encumbered by any licensing issues (for some people this is really important).