(可能是)下一代的圖片標準JPEG-XL reference implementation (gitlab.com)
yllan 積分 0


  • 可以把現有的 JPEG 再無損壓縮(可以完全恢復原JPEG檔)榨出 20%,類似 Dropbox 的 Lepton
  • 支援 lossless 壓縮(比 png 壓縮率更佳)
  • 支援 animation
  • 支援 progressive decoding,縮圖可以只要讀取檔案的前面一小部分
  • Royalty Free
IngramChen 積分 1

有沒有 alpha channel?

yllan 積分 2


JPEG XL further includes features such as animations, alpha channels, lossless and progressive coding to support a wide range of use cases including but not limited to photo galleries, e-commerce, social media, user interfaces and cloud storage. To enable novel applications, it also adds support for 360 degree images, image bursts, large panoramas/mosaics, and printing.

yllan 積分 1

不過玩了一下wasm的decoder,壓縮速度 0.15Mpixel/s,解壓縮1Mpixel/s。在沒有native support前,網頁用polyfilled只會更慢啊~