Why you should upgrade to Fisherman if you are still using fishshell with oh-my-fish (why.fisherman.sh)
changyuheng 積分 0 編輯於

之前他寄好幾次信給 Oh My Fish 的用戶,希望大家 migrate 到他寫的 Fisherman。後來他又去檢舉 Oh My Fish 所引用的其中一個專案踩到他的著作權,致使 GitHub 把 Oh My Fish 關閉。連帶地,所有 fork 也都被關閉。後來 GitHub 發現這是烏龍檢舉,為表歉意,還免費送一件衣服寄來給我。

但是那個烏龍檢舉殺傷力很大,那段時間 Oh My Fish 的 cmd line 因為上游被關閉,完全不能更新套件,我那時剛好在重新安裝環境,逼不得已只好 migrate 去 Fisherman。也許 Fisherman 真的比較快,但是手段太髒。從 Fisherman 的介紹中,可以看到它處處針對 Oh My Fish,感覺就是有什麼過節。

buc 積分 4 編輯於

Thank you for sharing your opinion, but for the technical minded, this is all I care about ▶ fisherman vs oh-my-fish1.

Now, Chang Yu-heng, I am really sorry your fork was took down, that was beyond my control, but I am glad you got a free T-shirt :)

Mind you, that was not the intention at all, the intention was to claim the credit the oh-my-fish maintainers "forgot" to attribute.

changyuheng 積分 0

I suddenly realized this is internet. Being shocked!