Java 11 Will Include More Than Just Features | OverOps Blog (blog.takipi.com)
caterpillar 積分 3 編輯於

Simon Ritter 留言中有重要資訊…XD

The points you make on the LTS releases are all correct. However, you're missing one very big point: the updates will only be available for customers with a commercial support contract from Oracle. Public updates for JDK 11, like those of all other release from JDK 9 onwards will stop after six months when the next version is released. This will have a big impact on deployments of Java where access to security and bug fixes is an issue.

只有簽合約的才拿得到 LTS 的維護更新!

natsu 積分 0 編輯於

這樣企業用戶會比較願意用新版的 Java 嗎?

話說回來,之前微軟好像也是用這招 ...

  • Windows 10 --> 免費更新
  • Windows XP --> 付費支援
haocheng 積分 0

找了一下跟這個主題相關的資訊,看到這篇 No Free Java LTS Version?1 ,如果上面的資訊沒錯,看來以後會分成不想付錢的就用 OpenJDK,願意付費買 Support 的就用 Oracle JDK?