The Apache Software Foundation announces Apache™ Cassandra™ v3.0 : The Apache Software Foundation Blog (blogs.apache.org)
IngramChen 積分 0

materialize view !!

popcorny 積分 2

Materialized View似乎沒有那麼美好耶,會有performance impact

New in Cassandra 3.0: Materialized Views1

Materialized views do not have the same write performance characteristics that normal table writes have. The materialized view requires an additional read-before-write, as well as data consistency checks on each replica before creating the view updates. These additions overhead, and may change the latency of writes.

haocheng 積分 0

可以省下很多 denormalize 的時間啊,可惜現在沒用 Cassandra 了 XD

IngramChen 積分 0

你們用 postgres 吧?

haocheng 積分 1

對啊,現在用 postgresql,如果之後要 scale 就比較頭痛...

IngramChen 積分 0

裝一個 128GB ram 的 RDS 就好了,不煩惱

haocheng 積分 0

應該要開大一點的,這樣 IOPS 可以設高一點 XD