haocheng 積分 0

twitter1 上看到 GraalVM Enterprise 版本速度快了 30%,不知道差在哪...

haocheng 積分 0

看 github 頁面有 windows 版啊?

A GraalVM CE early adopter build for Windows is now available. It includes the JDK with the GraalVM Compiler enabled, Native Image, the JavaScript Engine, and the Developer Tools. Currently there is no gu utility or support for other GraalVM languages.

chchwy 積分 0

如果能做的好的話,Flash 這類解決方案可是很受歡迎的。

當初如果不是 Steve Jobs 發難,現在 Flash 可能還很普遍。

znbang 積分 0

等不到 Windows 版 native image,只好先用 golang...

wybeen 積分 1


Intelligent Productivity and Collaboration, from Anywhere1

In the future, you will be able to navigate to https://online.visualstudio.com and access any of your remote environments. Because Visual Studio Online is based on Visual Studio Code, it will feel immediately familiar, and benefits from the rich ecosystem of extensions you already know and love – while supporting both the Visual Studio Code workspaces, as well as Visual Studio’s projects and solutions. Additionally, it will support IntelliCode and Live Share out-of-the-box, which ensures it provides the rich collaboration and productivity features developers need.

IngramChen 積分 0

ecosystem 沒起來就是 google 自己用爽的。我猜 flutter 一旦完全跨平台後還是不會變主流,但某些領域上,例如小廠工具類的 app 會很需要這樣的平台。

kaif 積分 0

昨天聽flutter taiwan的講,感覺目前還是比較適合自己寫爽的或是startup一個人全包

kaif 積分 0

等微軟願意讓WSL (ubuntu) 變windows主要CLI應該就可以了吧~目前看起來還有點不情願

haocheng 積分 2

MS 還為 Terminal 做了新的字型耶,太用心了,等 open source 之後可以拿來用用看 XD

You will also have the option of using our new font! We wanted to create a fun, new, monospaced font to enhance the modern look and feel of the Terminal. Not only will this font include programming ligatures, but it will also be open sourced and have its own repository. Stay tuned for more information on the new font project!

Kros 積分 0

新的 terminal 做得跟產品發表一樣也是厲害

IngramChen 積分 2

只要還在用 \ 反斜線就不可能 XD

kaif 積分 1

好狂xd windows做好cli好像就更沒有用osx的理由了

haocheng 積分 0

因為 Oracle 把 JavaEE 捐給 Eclipse 基金會,可是 java 這個商標(?)還是 Oracle 的…

IngramChen 積分 0


但寫程式還是用個真正的 IDE 吧, 要用 Jetbrains 這種等級的

IngramChen 積分 0

真應該用用繼承的。因為在 kotlin 裡常用 ADT (sealed class),免不了會在資料庫做繼承,自己手動做好麻煩…