ptt 有 PS5 遊戲發表影片集錦1 ,不過大家最關心的價錢居然都沒說...
Update: A Zoom spokesperson confirmed to Axios that the account had been closed "to comply with local law" and said it had now been re-activated.
“Just like any global company, we must comply with applicable laws in the jurisdictions where we operate. When a meeting is held across different countries, the participants within those countries are required to comply with their respective local laws. We aim to limit the actions we take to those necessary to comply with local law and continuously review and improve our process on these matters. We have reactivated the US-based account.” — Zoom statement
但可以像 thunderbolt 一樣, 就另外取個名字和 logo. 雖然接頭一樣但找線的時候會多注意一下這個規格
不要什麼都叫 usb c, 還有 gen 1 gen 2 根本是來亂的
2 月時的整理,還不錯的參考
6 月的現在各家支援的 k8s 版本又升了一些 (才幾個月就變天, k8s 更新的太快了)
最近比較大條的新聞是 GKE master plan 現在要錢。還有升到 1.16 版時會遇到一堆舊的 API 被移除