Why you should migrate everything from Linux to BSD (戰)
導致 Cloudflare 共同創辦人 Lee Holloway 因行為異常而離職的原因是腦部疾病(英文)
Anime4K: 動畫由 1080p 提升到 4k 畫質只要 3ms
Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics…
and It’s Beautiful
iPhone SE官網正式發表:4.7吋螢幕、A13晶片、Touch ID、售價14500元 (153141) - 癮科技 Cool3c
NASA’s Curiosity team is operating the Mars rover from home
Spring Graal Native 0.6.0 released
Sony Interactive Entertainment宣布「Play At Home」活動 | PlayStation
GitHub is now free for teams - The GitHub Blog
技術型讀書會的導讀 - Ching Yi, Chan - Medium
把 Go 程式編譯成 WASM 的踩坑筆記 - zonble - Medium
關於 Zoom 資訊安全的常見疑問與回應 - The Citizen Lab
ThinkPad 2020年度T/X/L-Series新機介紹 | TP非官方情報站
微軟偵測到大規模鎖定K8s的挖礦攻擊 | iThome
Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology
How i hacked worldwide ZOOM users
kaif 在 Chrome 81 版壞了
Microsoft thinks coronavirus will forever change the way we work and learn
We’re not going back to normal | MIT Technology Review
我們把文章搬到自己架設的網站了 | Star Rocket Blog
Google Bans Zoom Videoconferencing Software From Employees' Computers