Soft & Share 軟體工程師讀書會&Slack社群
Announcing SyntaxNet: The World’s Most Accurate Parser Goes Open Source - Google Research Blog
SPARK SUMMIT 2016 Schedule
Stackoverflow developer survey 2016
如何看待Google 圍棋AI AlphaGo 擊敗歐洲圍棋冠軍? - 知乎
Google's DeepMind defeats legendary Go player Lee Se-dol in historic victory
Data Infrastructure at Airbnb
如何評價支付寶Android 版隱私門?(知乎)
Introduction to Growth by tempo
Is It a Pokémon or Big Data?
趨勢科技以3億美元買下HP TippingPoint
鄭國威專欄 / 我對蔡英文亞洲矽谷產業政策的看法
volkswagen - Make your build tests always pass
【HadoopCon 2015 追蹤報導】投影片連結
在現實世界收服神奇寶貝!Ingress x Pokémon《神奇寶貝 GO》2016 年釋出下載
Announcing Spark 1.5