Announcing the Microsoft Quantum Development Kit
Introducing App Center: Build, Test, Distribute and Monitor Apps in the Cloud
Introducing Visual Studio Live Share: real-time collaboration for VS & VS Code
Windows Subsystem for Linux 環境配置 (最新 1709 版)
Windows for Linux Nerds
GitHub: The State of the Octoverse 2017
What’s new in Windows Console in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
What’s new in WSL in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Sublime Text 3.0 is out!
Golang Internals Resources
Fluent Design is Microsoft's new Metro UI for Windows and more
Ubuntu, SUSE Linux, and Fedora are all coming to the Windows Store
Windows 10 Creators Update: What’s new in Bash/WSL & Windows Console
為什麼我從 Sublime Text 跳槽 Visual Studio Code?
Ubuntu on Windows -- The Ubuntu Userspace for Windows Developers
Developers can run Bash Shell and user-mode Ubuntu Linux binaries on Windows 10
Announcing SQL Server on Linux
ASP.NET 5 open sourced and works on Windows/Linux/OS X
微軟發佈開源 OpenSSH for Windows
ASP.NET 5 (跨平台開放原始碼框架) 開發攻略
Windows Bridge for iOS (Objective-C for Windows) 開源登場