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2024 State of the Java Ecosystem
Why SQLite Uses Bytecode
How Netflix Really Uses Java - InfoQ
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Why is Jepsen Written in Clojure?
Why async Rust? - Without boats, dreams dry up
Turbo 8 is dropping TypeScript
Writing Python like it’s Rust | Kobzol’s blog
在加密貨幣世界工作 0.75 年後的感想 | by Huli | May, 2023 | Medium
Coroutines and Loom behind the scenes by Roman Elizarov - YouTube
[Java][Profiling][JVM] Everybody lies, profilers too | JVM/Java profiling and tuning
Think of language models like ChatGPT as a “calculator for words”
How Discord Stores Trillions of Messages
MotherDuck: Big Data is Dead
Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count
Migrating our Largest Mobile App to React Native — Mobile (2023)
[Java][Profiling] Async-profiler - manual by use cases | JVM/Java profiling and tuning
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