Minded Security Blog: SSL MiTM attack in AFNetworking 2.5.1 - Do NOT use it in production!
Nuclide - a unified IDE
React Native | A framework for building native apps using React
[低分少年] SEGA SATURN 畫面表現大驗證 - YouTube
ComponentKit | A React-inspired view framework for iOS
F8 Developer Conference live stream - Facebook Live
Putting a virtual nose on video games could reduce simulator sickness
Apple Acquires Durable Database Company FoundationDB | TechCrunch
Critical Sharks Part I: "You Can't Say That!" — Eli Schiff
Aivvy Q: A galaxy of music in a pair of smart headphones by the aivvy team — Kickstarter
How we allow any request to be safely repeated at anytime for Wunderlist
How we allow any request to be safely repeated at anytime for Wunderlist
別讓圖形不開心 - 關於社會形狀的互動頁面
500px Engineering Blog | A Blurring View for Android
黑奴、侵略與大屠殺: Brenda Romero 的《新世界》創作挑戰 | U-ACG
《刀塔傳奇》美國興訴訟告《Heroes Charge》侵權
"I hope this better illustrates the gap between Node.js and io.js development"
Ruby Timeout, how does it even work?
Amazon wants to use the Prime model on mobile apps
Speech is Influence: Why Technologists Should Embrace Rhetoric | ThoughtWorks
Dynamic typing and anti-lock brakes | John D. Cook