Zoom admits it doesn’t have 300 million users, corrects misleading claims
Google Meet Now Available for Free - The Keyword
Free dataset of VCs investing in seed and Series A+ rounds
這家店裡,你可以買到航空母艦、「裝了鬼的瓶子」,或花 460 萬美金跟股神吃頓午餐
Spotify’s Failed #SquadGoals
Coming soon: Fedora on Lenovo laptops! - Fedora Magazine
如果你的 MacBook Pro 很燙,試試看從右邊的 Thunderbolt 充電
FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki
Things I Wished More Developers Knew About Databases
台灣數位大調查(Digital 2020: Taiwan)
SpringOne | Week of September 1, 2020
The Verge 的 iPad Pro Magic Keyboard 評測
coscup 2020 call for paper!
DAY360 [P5聖地巡禮-三軒茶屋+渋谷+青山一丁目+新宿]
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Why you should migrate everything from Linux to BSD (戰)
導致 Cloudflare 共同創辦人 Lee Holloway 因行為異常而離職的原因是腦部疾病(英文)
Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics…
and It’s Beautiful
NASA’s Curiosity team is operating the Mars rover from home
Sony Interactive Entertainment宣布「Play At Home」活動 | PlayStation
技術型讀書會的導讀 - Ching Yi, Chan - Medium
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ThinkPad 2020年度T/X/L-Series新機介紹 | TP非官方情報站
Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology
Microsoft thinks coronavirus will forever change the way we work and learn