Taiwanese Value Added Tax - Amazon AWS (/z/devops)

You may be aware of the recent proposal by the Taiwanese Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) to impose Taiwanese Value Added Tax (“VAT”) at 5% on supplies of digital services by nonresident enterprises to Taiwan-resident consumers. This tax will only apply to Taiwanese individual customers, with no impact to corporate customers. The law is expected to take effect on 5/1/2017 and we are expecting more details from the MOF in the next couple of weeks.

Given the above, if you (or your linked account) are a corporate customer in Taiwan, it is critical for you to confirm your identity by providing your Tax Registration Number (i.e. 8 digit Unified Business Number). Please go to your tax settings page (https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home?#/tax/vat ) in AWS Billing Console and input your 8 digit Unified Business Number (under Taiwan in the country drop down box) as early as possible.

We are actively monitoring the updates and assessing the impact it may have to you. We will reach out with further details as they emerge. If you have any questions, please contact your AWS support center.

Sincerely, Amazon Web Services

otacorn 積分 2







IngramChen 積分 0

剛收到這信,這是… 什麼?

jameslong 積分 1

簡單的說: 台灣要求營業稅,所以5%的營業稅將額外加在個人消費者身上(應該)