JPEG XL further includes features such as animations, alpha channels, lossless and progressive coding to support a wide range of use cases including but not limited to photo galleries, e-commerce, social media, user interfaces and cloud storage. To enable novel applications, it also adds support for 360 degree images, image bursts, large panoramas/mosaics, and printing.
While CRIME was mitigated by disabling TLS/SPDY compression (and by modifying gzip to allow for explicit separation of compression contexts in SPDY), BREACH attacks HTTP responses. It is important to note that the attack is agnostic to the version of TLS/SSL, and does not require TLS-layer compression. Additionally, the attack works against any cipher suite.
不過仔細看了一下,他的條件是 HTTP body 裡要有 secret 和 user generated data,所以一般沒滿足條件的 JSON 的確沒事。
不像計時賽,瓦數往往不是主要的決勝因素,賽道設計有很大影響——否則奧運場地賽衝刺金牌隊伍、世界杯冠軍1不會在世界最知名的業餘繞圈賽 Red Hook Crit 中連決賽都進不了。當然,也有賽道過於簡單的,讓一級車隊的職業車手開功率ITT大殺業餘車手2的時候。